– Once all the requirements have been met, please either contact the IFSF Masjid directly at (954) 741-8130 to set up an appointment with the Imam or contact Imam directly at sultanmohiuddin@outlook.com. The Imam will then contact you and provide all additional details for you to set up a date for the Nikah and premarital counseling session. The Nikah may be valid without the premarital counseling but we highly recommend it. Further details will be provided once in contact with the Imam.
– If you wish for your Nikah to take place at our Masjid space please contact the masjid at (954) 741-8130 to book the masjid hall and the office staff will gladly assist. Venue booking is not handled by the Imam.
– Imam fees are $250 at IFSF and $500 at any other venue. If you would like to get married but cannot afford the fees the Imam will gladly work with you to reduce the amount or waive it. We would never allow a financial difficulty to get in the way of someone’s Nikah.
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