IFSF Weekend School


Student Name 1(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Student Name 2
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Student Name 3
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Student Name 4
MM slash DD slash YYYY


Parent Name (1)(Required)
Parent Email(Required)
Parent Name (2)
Parent Email
Home Address:(Required)
Does the student have any special needs?


Please list emergency contacts below. These individuals will also have the authorization to pick up the student from school.

Primary Physician


*In case of an Emergency, 911 will be called and your child will be taken to the nearest hospital.


1) Tuition is on a monthly basis and is due to the IFSF administrative office in person or online (once available) at the beginning of each month.
2) All classes are scheduled on Fridays, from 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm, unless otherwise notified. *During Ramadhan classes will shift to Saturdays, starting 90 minutes before Maghrib time.
3) School Year will be from September 10, 2021, through May 20, 2022 (Graduation Tentative Sunday, May 29, 2022)
4) Tuition Fees for year of 2021-2022 will be $30 per student/per month if registered by September 10, 2021, otherwise monthly tuition will be $45/mth. No registration fees, no graduation fees.
5) At the time of registration, parents are required to purchase grade-level appropriate books in person or via an online publisher service. (Please see separate book order form.)
6) Students will be placed in classes according to age and current grade level as of September 1, 2021.
Disclaimer: If any illness*, fever*, or injury is incurred/noticed while on campus, parents will be notified immediately to come to pick up their student. *If any tests come back positive for COVID-19, then the school body, IFSF Board, Salah Tawfik Principal, Weekend School Parents, Weekend School Teachers will be notified. If any students have any flu-like symptoms they should stay home and not attend classes for minimum of 2 weeks.
I the undersigned, parent, or guardian release Islamic Foundation of South Florida, Inc., their respective agents, officers, employees, and volunteers from any liability, including injuries or illnesses, which may result from my child’s participation in this Weekend School program and waive any claims related thereto and I agree to abide by IFSF school policies.
Please enter a number from 1 to 4.